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Branding (Wasm)

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Branding animals to identify their ownership is a traditional activity in all herding societies.  In some societies,  notches are taken out of  the ear of an animal - a goat or sheep – or permanent dye is used to create an indelible mark that  ‘belongs’ to a particular family.  Among the Harasiis, branding or burning a shape into the skin of the camel is practiced.  Each family among the Harasiis has a mark that is recognized and within the family each individual owner has a further mark or set of marks that identify the animal as belonging to him (or her).

Among the Harasiis these burns are placed on the neck and the flank of the camel.  A set of vertical lines (l) and circles (o) are used to create the brand that identifies the animal with its owner. In these set of images, two young camels – just over a year old - that are no longer being used for racing are being branded.  The iron rods with the vertical line and the circle are heated to red hot over a fire and with the two hired help holding the camel by its nose and mouth and its tail, its owner then burns the brand into its neck and flank.   The camel is not a willing patient and it takes some strength to hold it still while these brands are burnt